I have decided to write something

I have decided to write something, anything, and put it up here.

I have decided that I will turn my head away from obsessing on its quality.

I have decided that it does not matter. It does not matter to me.

I have decided that if today I see a beautiful snail, I can write about it. I may write about it.

I saw a beautiful snail. I saw colors and patterns and antique doors and balconies.

I stepped on creaking wooden floor and a thick carpet.

I smelled rain and the humid air.

I listened to splashes of water from my neighbor's summer pool.

I watched difficult news and read about struggle against oppressors.

I also watched some meme reels.

I did many. I absorbed like a sponge until it is heavy.

This simple day that I would only remember in flashes contains plenty.

Sometimes I can only summarize a month in a vague sentence.

But a month has at least 28 days and a day has 24 hours.

And my day hasn't ended yet.

What a life it has been. Moments endlessly fleeting.

How special and completely unspecial.

That's exactly why

I have decided to write something, anything, and put it up here.

Jun 12, 2021


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My thoughts are not me